Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Job Board...and remodeling!!

Hey everyone!
The job board came back today. Usually it only happens when SERA00 Management is overloaded, but maybe they also do it once in a while as a sort of "gift" for the less popular members. 
The job board is basically a list of schedules for the next few weeks and how many members are needed for each. Anyone can sign up for an available space that fits in their schedule. Normally schedules are fully decided by the management, but if they claim they're busy then they'll bring out the job board. 
It's such a gift because members who aren't chosen often for high-exposure gigs have a chance to get themselves that schedule. 
A lot of girls were squealing over big names like the Peach magazine photoshoot, NYC catwalk, guest star on Shh!, etc. I kind of had a realization then. Maybe the fans on the internet are right? Is SERA00 Management starting to push me? I found that I didn't really have to look at the job board because 1) my schedule is already full, and 2) I'm already scheduled to participate in those events. I'm in for the Peach photoshoot, Shh!, and Music CafĂ©, an overseas music show. 
What else? I'm deviously thinking of ending this post here and continuing what I was about to write as a separate post since I just realized February ONLY HAS 28 DAYS O__O and I need at least 24 posts!
But I promised not to cheat so...
Remodeling! Ms. Tallan, the complex manager (remember her?) said that we're remodeling either the dance studios, including the grand hall, or the dorms. Of course a lot of members (...yes, including me...) immediately voted for the dorms, but in the end the dance studios won over because all the seniors were like "dance studios are more practical since SERA00 is your job" and everything. 
Right now our multiple dance studios have peeling rubber floors - no, that is not a special type of rubber; the rubber is really so used its peeling off -_-. And one wall of mirrors/barres. That's basically it. The ceilings aren't even finished. 
When the renovation is completed later this week, the walls will be painted, hardwood floors will be put in, and floor to ceiling windows, and a high-tech sound system in the grand hall. 
Are you thinking why we aren't renovating the theatre first? Hmm I think it's because it's been with us since debut and fans and members alike recognize it as a SERA00 space. So if we renovate it, it will probably be only a touch-up paint job or new carpets, lighting and sound. We won't be able to make use of the entire value of the sponsored renovation ;)
Please support SERA00!

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