[please...don't even read this page. I don't know why I haven't deleted it yet. I have not had the time to rewrite this.]
Helloooo my newest Evie fan ~~ and SERA00 fan ~~ :D or so I'm hoping... Let's catch you up to date!
Being modest, I'd just like to say that SERA00 is a super famous girl idol group. We sing, we dance, we give our best to share our love of music with the fans, a.k.a. Infinities!
Fandom name: Infinity
Fandom name: Infinity
I mean, seriously, who hasn't heard of us? And now, you'll get a chance to peek into everyday idol life as the lowly C rank member, me, Evie, has been assigned with updating our bloooog! So, please support SERA00 and follow our adventures! [I can see this is outdated ONCE AGAIN. DON'T TRUST ANYTHING YOU READ ON THIS PAGE XD]
Evie00 has been implemented as a tab on the site. Originally, I was going to create a separate blog for this, but I decided to keep everything on my main blog. But wait, I haven't actually told you what it is, have I? This page will filter out all posts tagged with "life", and these posts contain content more from Author Evie's life than Idol Evie's life ;)
Author Evie is a '98 liner who attends school (IB) and wonders what her future will be like. She writes on this blog while imagining what her life would be like if she was Idol Evie instead of Author Evie. Recently she has decided that since Idol Evie cannot exist without Author Evie, she might as well write more about Author Evie too. But that does not mean that she has stopped imagining herself as Idol Evie.
Now onto the idoly stuff...
The first generation members debuted as SERA00 in 2007, but actually, we're told that SERA00 dates even way further back. This concept was created and the details dictated by our mighty founder decades ago. Genniene Ross. She's long dead by now, but Genniene imagined the details of SERA00 and had our manager (not face to face of course) to form the group a couple of years ago. I know you've heard that name before, Genniene Ross. Yeah, she's the same gal with her own posh private school, The Genniene Academy.
Now, we hold auditions every year for new generations. I'm part of the fourth generation, as I joined in 2011. Members join as 00 ranks, the term coined for SERA00-members-in-training. When management decides to promote you to an official member, you will automatically become a C rank. You won't have a chance to increase your rank until the next election.
There are four ranks, with three official ranks, A, B, and C, A being the highest rank. All the popular members are A ranks. Ranking is determined through the elections; the members who come out on top are A ranks, the ones in the middle are B ranks, and the ones at the bottom or who are unranked become C ranks. There's also the G rank, which are reserved for members who have graduated SERA00 (to graduate means to leave SERA00).
Since we have a large number of members, we can't all possibly perform on stage at the same time. As a result, we are separated into teams. SERA00 concerts are attended by all members as a whole, but usually smaller performances will only be attended by one team. If SERA00 is filming a TV appearance, again, it may not be one team, but only a select number of members will make an appearance.
There are a couple of unofficial terms for the more popular members. The four most famous members, Sassan, Luna, Fracken, and Angel, are often referred to as the fabulous four. Again, because we have so many members, when people hear "SERA00", the faces that pop into mind are the most popular ones. In this case, we call the eight visuals of our group the media members, because they grace the TV screen as "SERA00" much more often than other members.
There are three teams, and the members of teams are chosen specifically for that team's traits, and for the equal distribution of A, B, and C ranks.
Each team has a captain, known as "SERA00's [name of team]". For example, the leader of Team Aurora is known as SERA00's Aurora.
Team Aurora: Led by the Fracken, this team is known for their cutsieness, bubbly, and overall happy-go-lucky performances.
Team Night: Led by the charismatic Luna, this team is known for their solid, dynamic performances; they have a lot of capable girls. This team's performances tend to be dance-heavy.
Team Angel: Led by Angel, the leader of SERA00, and might I add whose name is purely coincidence, this team is known widely for their powerful vocals. Team Angel often exerts the most "idol power". As a result, this team has the highest number of A ranks.
We have slightly over sixty girls; there are around sixty main members, plus the 00 ranks. The girls are all ages, from as young as twelve to the mid-twenties. Our pride and joy is the SERA00 Theatre, where you know we put on daily shows. This is the sure way for fans to meet the SERA00 members. Our little theatre usually houses an audience of only 300, so that each fan gets the ultimate close-up experience. We make up for the small number with frequent shows. On special occasions, the theatre has seats hidden up its sleeve and can be expanded up to four hundred. This turns our daily "SERA00 Stages" into "SERA00 Encores". But what some fans don't know is why the SERA00 building is so large. They assume all the space that isn't the theatre is backstage.
But come on. Even we don't need all that space.
That is actually the rest of the SERA00 Complex. Yep, you heard it right. The SERA00 Complex is where we eat, sleep, learn, practice, and live our lives. The theatre is fenced off both sides to prevent the media (Miss Avery, our producer, said that the word paparazzi has a negative connotation, and because they are our fans we must treat them with respect) from trespassing on our privacy.
The SERA00 Complex is equipped with classrooms, where tutors teach classes of SERA00 students. With girls in different grades- ranging from Grade 7 all the way to high school, there's a Montesorri-like feel in each class. The complex supplies us with our meals, snacks, and other food-related needs as well. In addition, there are residentials for the SERA00 members who came from far away, which is 95% of us.
SERA00 has four big seasonal events. Of course, we have events every now and then, but these are all the big SERA00 dates to mark on your calender! Every summer and winter we have a SERA00 Summer/Winter Concert with everybody and it's a humongous event - tens of thousands of fans show up! It's a hugely anticipated event which requires an extreme amount of work and dedication from every single member. But it's worth it to see a smile on our fans' faces!
In between, we have the autumn elections. Starting sometime after the Summer Concert, fans are able to vote for their favourite member through tickets obtained from buying our singles. The results concert is held around the beginning of autumn. This determines the popularity of members down to the number; it's a nerve-wracking experience for us!
The spring season brings about a huge flurry of promotion madness, a variety of not-set-in-stone activities, and usually the recruitment call for new SERA00 members happens around spring.
I guess that's all you need to know. We sing and dance and share our love. We are SERA00!
Evie00 has been implemented as a tab on the site. Originally, I was going to create a separate blog for this, but I decided to keep everything on my main blog. But wait, I haven't actually told you what it is, have I? This page will filter out all posts tagged with "life", and these posts contain content more from Author Evie's life than Idol Evie's life ;)
Author Evie is a '98 liner who attends school (IB) and wonders what her future will be like. She writes on this blog while imagining what her life would be like if she was Idol Evie instead of Author Evie. Recently she has decided that since Idol Evie cannot exist without Author Evie, she might as well write more about Author Evie too. But that does not mean that she has stopped imagining herself as Idol Evie.
Now onto the idoly stuff...
The first generation members debuted as SERA00 in 2007, but actually, we're told that SERA00 dates even way further back. This concept was created and the details dictated by our mighty founder decades ago. Genniene Ross. She's long dead by now, but Genniene imagined the details of SERA00 and had our manager (not face to face of course) to form the group a couple of years ago. I know you've heard that name before, Genniene Ross. Yeah, she's the same gal with her own posh private school, The Genniene Academy.
Now, we hold auditions every year for new generations. I'm part of the fourth generation, as I joined in 2011. Members join as 00 ranks, the term coined for SERA00-members-in-training. When management decides to promote you to an official member, you will automatically become a C rank. You won't have a chance to increase your rank until the next election.
There are four ranks, with three official ranks, A, B, and C, A being the highest rank. All the popular members are A ranks. Ranking is determined through the elections; the members who come out on top are A ranks, the ones in the middle are B ranks, and the ones at the bottom or who are unranked become C ranks. There's also the G rank, which are reserved for members who have graduated SERA00 (to graduate means to leave SERA00).
Since we have a large number of members, we can't all possibly perform on stage at the same time. As a result, we are separated into teams. SERA00 concerts are attended by all members as a whole, but usually smaller performances will only be attended by one team. If SERA00 is filming a TV appearance, again, it may not be one team, but only a select number of members will make an appearance.
There are a couple of unofficial terms for the more popular members. The four most famous members, Sassan, Luna, Fracken, and Angel, are often referred to as the fabulous four. Again, because we have so many members, when people hear "SERA00", the faces that pop into mind are the most popular ones. In this case, we call the eight visuals of our group the media members, because they grace the TV screen as "SERA00" much more often than other members.
There are three teams, and the members of teams are chosen specifically for that team's traits, and for the equal distribution of A, B, and C ranks.
Each team has a captain, known as "SERA00's [name of team]". For example, the leader of Team Aurora is known as SERA00's Aurora.
Team Aurora: Led by the Fracken, this team is known for their cutsieness, bubbly, and overall happy-go-lucky performances.
Team Night: Led by the charismatic Luna, this team is known for their solid, dynamic performances; they have a lot of capable girls. This team's performances tend to be dance-heavy.
Team Angel: Led by Angel, the leader of SERA00, and might I add whose name is purely coincidence, this team is known widely for their powerful vocals. Team Angel often exerts the most "idol power". As a result, this team has the highest number of A ranks.
Team Hope: on hiatus
We have slightly over sixty girls; there are around sixty main members, plus the 00 ranks. The girls are all ages, from as young as twelve to the mid-twenties. Our pride and joy is the SERA00 Theatre, where you know we put on daily shows. This is the sure way for fans to meet the SERA00 members. Our little theatre usually houses an audience of only 300, so that each fan gets the ultimate close-up experience. We make up for the small number with frequent shows. On special occasions, the theatre has seats hidden up its sleeve and can be expanded up to four hundred. This turns our daily "SERA00 Stages" into "SERA00 Encores". But what some fans don't know is why the SERA00 building is so large. They assume all the space that isn't the theatre is backstage.
But come on. Even we don't need all that space.
That is actually the rest of the SERA00 Complex. Yep, you heard it right. The SERA00 Complex is where we eat, sleep, learn, practice, and live our lives. The theatre is fenced off both sides to prevent the media (Miss Avery, our producer, said that the word paparazzi has a negative connotation, and because they are our fans we must treat them with respect) from trespassing on our privacy.
The SERA00 Complex is equipped with classrooms, where tutors teach classes of SERA00 students. With girls in different grades- ranging from Grade 7 all the way to high school, there's a Montesorri-like feel in each class. The complex supplies us with our meals, snacks, and other food-related needs as well. In addition, there are residentials for the SERA00 members who came from far away, which is 95% of us.
SERA00 Management
Megan Avery "Miss Avery": She's really young, only 21, but has worked with the producers of some really big-time acts, so she's really talented at her job and has gotten tons of praise for her work with SERA00. Most of us call her Miss Avery, but some of the more senior members like Angel, or River, who is older than Miss Avery, call her Megan.
Megan Avery "Miss Avery": She's really young, only 21, but has worked with the producers of some really big-time acts, so she's really talented at her job and has gotten tons of praise for her work with SERA00. Most of us call her Miss Avery, but some of the more senior members like Angel, or River, who is older than Miss Avery, call her Megan.
Ms. Tallan: She's the complex manager who co-ordinates us and is with us most of the time. Although she uses her maiden name, she's married.
Angel: Which Angel? Yep, Annelise Gillian, the idol. She's SERA00's leader. She's basically the one who rallies us, gives us pep talks, encourages and disciplines us, the support pillar of SERA00.
Angel: Which Angel? Yep, Annelise Gillian, the idol. She's SERA00's leader. She's basically the one who rallies us, gives us pep talks, encourages and disciplines us, the support pillar of SERA00.
President: Our president is some middle-aged man who I swear never shows his face; he just basically does SERA00's finances behind the scenes, but Miss Avery is the top powerhouse.
Crews: Our crews handle different aspects of SERA00; the makeup team, sound and lighting crew, equipment and transport crew, and medical team.
Managers: The managers oversee the crews and the girls in general. We have Jamie, a fresh from university producer-in-training, former actor Mr. Takara, and Virginia, another manager slightly older than Jamie. Um those are the ones from the top of my mind. Most of the other managers we only see during large scale SERA00 events, because it's usually just Ms. Tallan, Angel, and the crew.)
EventsSERA00 has four big seasonal events. Of course, we have events every now and then, but these are all the big SERA00 dates to mark on your calender! Every summer and winter we have a SERA00 Summer/Winter Concert with everybody and it's a humongous event - tens of thousands of fans show up! It's a hugely anticipated event which requires an extreme amount of work and dedication from every single member. But it's worth it to see a smile on our fans' faces!
In between, we have the autumn elections. Starting sometime after the Summer Concert, fans are able to vote for their favourite member through tickets obtained from buying our singles. The results concert is held around the beginning of autumn. This determines the popularity of members down to the number; it's a nerve-wracking experience for us!
The spring season brings about a huge flurry of promotion madness, a variety of not-set-in-stone activities, and usually the recruitment call for new SERA00 members happens around spring.
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