Thursday, January 31, 2013

Looking forwards to...

Exams are over and we are back to the old schedule "times two" says our producer, Miss Avery, to "regain lost time".

You know what that means? An hour of lessons, hour of practice, PLUS a concert every four days. Since the winter concert just passed, our schedules are pretty lax, which means every team performs at the theatre.

The next event to look forwards to- for me, is a last minute hustle bustle winter photo shoot, they want the photos out three days after the shoot, which is coming Saturday.

For the fans though- look forwards to a brand new single coming out! ;)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Not much happening

I'll be honest - there's not much happening with SERA00 right now, as most members are in school and worrying about exams. Yep. Famous SERA00 members go to school too. Including me. If we do bad in school it's considered not being a positive role model and we might get dropped from the group.

Hello World!

Okay. SERA00's producer, Miss Avery, asked me to set up and update this site. I've finally finished adding preliminary info about SERA00 onto the site, now I can begin blogging! So hello fans, hello world!!