Saturday, February 9, 2013


Right, so there are no concerts, so guess what happens to us lil' SERA00 Members?
Miss Avery gets free labour from a force of sixty-six girls. (yea, we currently have six 00 ranks)
Shoveling snow.
Up to our thighs.
No, we are not a weak force just because we are girls. Do YOU sing and dance everyday? Hours of practicing, plus concerts. Our dance teacher sees to it that we are fitter than Olympians. Maybe she's working in league with Miss Avery O_O
You ask- don't we have people for this type of stuff- surely idols don't shovel snow? Here's how it went:

Miss Avery: Girls!
Us: Yes!
Miss Avery: Shovels out front! I want the grounds cleared!
Us: Yes Miss!
Tricia(the so-called "annoying" 00 rank, see the SERA00 Member Profiles): Us? Whyyyyyy do weeee have to shovel the snow?
Miss Avery: It isn't shoveling itself.
Tricia: Can't the staff do it? Like, what are they hired for?
Angel: *steely warning glare*
Tricia: I mean, are they that useless they can't shovel some measly flecks of snow?
Miss Avery: *coldly* If there are only some measly flecks of snow, there should be no problem for you to shovel it all yourself.
Tricia: But they're hired-
Miss Avery: *interrupts* Where's our leader... Angel! Please spread the message that the staff in the gardening department have the day off. And Tricia Henrie, you'd best learn some respect.
~ end of conversation ~

Ahhh, we do love Miss Avery ;)

Byebye lotsa love <3 data-blogger-escaped-br=""> Please support SERA00!

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