Saturday, February 22, 2014

SERA00 School & backstage at the Winter Concert!

Hey everyone!
Oooh the atmosphere is both exciting and tense right now. We are backstage at the SERA00 2014 Winter Concert!! The Overture is about to play at 6:30, followed by O Canada, cuz like the Olympics :) For those of you who attend our theatre stages, yes, we usually start of with the anthem, but come on guys it's our Winter Concert!
The concert is titled "Snowflake Symphony" and will feature SERA00 and CASUT00. We've prepared some collaboration songs for you guys!
So anyways, we're about to go onstage, and I'm really nervous so I decided to post something. 
Remember how SERA00 crashed a school at the end of the school year last year? Well we're doing something like that again. But instead of performing this time, we're going to attend instead ;)
You heard it! SERA00 members will be attending schools across the country for one week! After, the members in each school will hold a mini-live for the city the school is in. 
Of course, all this is filmed. Recall time again: remember how I said there are four major activities associated with the four seasons? Summer is the Summer Concert, autumn is the election, winter is the Winter Concert, and spring is the? The spring promos and recruitment! Yesss it is that time of year again. Can you believe our 00 ranks have been in SERA00 for almost a year? I predict we'll be seeing quite a few promotions during the Winter Concert. And of course, with promotions also comes graduations :( dw guys I'm not graduating any time soon though!!
So basically, this project of "SERA00 School" is part of the spring promos and will be broadcast. Some of you might wonder, what about members who've already graduated high school? Will they take part? The answer is yes! If a member is still in school they will be put in a class of their actual grade. If a member has already graduated, they will come to your school as a student teacher ;) how many of you are already fangirling/fanboying at the prospect? 
To apply go to our official site for more information. You need permission from your principal to apply and applications start today! Good luck everyone and WISH ME GOOD LUCK TOO THE WINTER CONCERT IS STARTING OMGGGG I HEAR THE OVERTURE BYE GUYS!
Please support SERA00!

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