Wednesday, February 19, 2014

SERA00 and patisserie Yumirenn presents... the SERA00xYumirenn ShortFilm!

Hey everyone!

For Valentine's Day this year, SERA00 teamed up with the famous patisserie Yumirenn (pronounced you-me-renn) for a series of commercials!
You may have seen short commercials featuring different SERA00 members, but they were all made of clips taken from a twenty minute drama produced in collaboration with IEtv. The members featured in the commercials are the main cast of My Heartbeat, and other SERA00 members may have made cameos as extras. For example, Sassan's friends Kotoka, Yumichan and Tomiko graced a portion of the commercial. 
Basically, the drama follows a girl, Sassan, who is lamenting this year's Valentine's Day as she doesn't have anyone to spend it with. She walks past a bakery and stops to admire the pretty cakes. <<insert mouth-watering shots of Yumirenn desserts>> A waitress from the bakery, wearing a uniform with a clearly visible "Yumirenn" comes out and offers Sassan a macaroon to try. "Morning, miss, care to try one of Yumirenn's exquisite macaroons?"
This waitress is...River! So Sassan accepts and eats as she steps inside the fancy little shop. There are a couple of girls having tea; Kotoka, Yumichan, and Tomiko. They don't have any lines except conversing in mixed Jap-Eng in the background. 
Sassan ends up buying a couple of macaroons upon River's suggestion and sits down in the corner with a cup of tea. A couple of seconds later, a young girl rushes into the shop and shouts for "Rosie and River". This is Sammi. 
As Rosie comes out of the kitchen in matching uniforms with River, Sammi slams down a large stack of flyers. "They're printed!" They start talking. There's a close up of Sassan's face taking interest in what they're talking about. The camera doesn't move as some legs flash by; presumably Kotoka, Yumichan, and Tomiko leaving. 
Rosie, seeing Sassan's interest, nudges Sammi. "Bring one over to our guest." However, as soon as Sammi sets eyes on Sassan, her eyes widen, she gives a little scream and runs out the shop. In a good way. Kind of. 
Anyways, Rosie comes over and explains the flyer to Sassan. It's Yumirenn's Valentine's Day challenge. It's a scavenger hunt for ingredients around town, and friends of the Yumirenn staff each have one type of ingredient. If you get all, you'll win some cakes and desserts, etc. 
That's the basis of the drama. The rest of the drama has Sassan going around town and getting ingredients from different people, obviously SERA00 members. Along the way Sassan's character realizes that Valentine's Day is not all about having a significant other. 
I don't want to spoil all the parts~ but this is the breakdown of the drama into the commercials.

CF 1: "Sweet Discovery"
That's the beginning I described up there. Members: Sassan, River, Rosie, Sammi

CF 2: "The Little Ones"
Sassan finds her first ingredient at a childcare place. Members: Sassan, Geneviève, Maya, Brindle

CF 3: "Nostalgic Pages"
Sassan learns the stories of the storekeepers of a vintage bookstore and gets her second ingredient. Members: Sassan, Luraland, Evie, Rome 

CF 4: "Swimming Thoughts"
The third ingredient is being held somewhere rather different; a fish market. Members: Sassan, Luna, Wyoming, Eden

CF 5: "Runaway Memories"
Her final ingredient is given to her by two girls who run a small business, a ranch on a large piece of land inland. I'm pretty sure this one is the longest of the six CFs. Members: Sassan, Angel, Harley. 

CF 6: "Sweet Remembrance"
Having completed the challenge, Sassan has a new appreciation of Valentine's Day through the experience of meeting all the girls. She is enjoying her sweets <<again, generous shots of Yumirenn cakes, omg they look so good can I just eat them off the screen?? Of course all the CFs have shots of their food, but "Sweet Discovery" and "Sweet Remembrance" have the most>>. 
Sammi, who's character rushed out of the shop in the first part of the drama, makes her second appearance now. She has dragged another girl along with her - Fracken. She seems really annoyed by Sammi dragging her along, but she stops in her tracks and freezes as she sees Sassan, and so does Sassan when she sees Fracken. 
The two of them stare at each other until their eyes water, and a brief series of flashbacks tell us that the two were once best friends. The drama closes with the two hugging. The end <3
Happy (belated) Valentine's Day!
Please support SERA00!

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