Saturday, February 1, 2014

How to become a photographer for SERA00

Hey everyone!
First of all, happy Chinese new year! Gung hei fat choi~ Xin nian kwai le (I have no idea how to romanize it). It's the year of the horse. 
Do you remember in the previous post when I said that all photographers for the SERA00 Photo Event are fans of SERA00 like you guys? Many of you are probably wondering how to become a photographer. Yes, it is a paid job! But of course a side job, how many photo events in a year can there be?
So basically, if you are a member of SERA00's fan club INFINITY00, then you know of the SERA00 forums on the site. Most people have the SERA00 Event account cuz it's free, but you can only read threads and you can't post, comment, etc. 
There's a thread on the forum called "SERA00 Photo Event: Photographers", just search around, you'll find it. There you post your best photos. Entry is open year round, and there's no limit. When we are looking for more photographers, management will go to that thread. They only see the most popular ones, the ones with most "hearts". That's where the public comes in; if you see a photo you think is good on the thread, you can "heart" it. 
The more hearts your photo has, the bigger the chance of the management seeing it, since they don't have time to sort through the hundreds of new photos posted every day. 
If your picture catches their eye, then they'll call you in for an interview, and te rest is pretty much like any other job. 
There are three requirements. 
1) You must be over 16 years old. 
2) You cannot have or have had a yellow or red card in the past. 
3) You are absolutely not allowed to alter the photo you upload in any way, including filters and photoshop.
For those of you who didn't know this job opportunity, now you know so say "KIMCHI!!" and take a photo! (sorry, my new phone has this thing where if you say kimchi out loud it'll take a photo >.<)
Please support SERA00!

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