Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Happy Birthday Ye Ye~ March Post Challenge WRAP UP!

Hey everyone!

I'd just like to say happy birthday to my wonderful grandfather, who celebrates yet another birthday, and wishing for good health and many more to come!

The cake ^^
Evie fact #? - Evie doesn't like cake.
As a reminder, 8th generation audition applications are due this Friday! Yes, we realize the auditions are slightly inconvenient for those who celebrate religious holidays, However, your audition should not take more than an hour in total, including registration and whatnot. Your actual audition is only 30s~1min anyways. We are making accommodations for those who cannot make it for religious purposes only. Please do not request a time accommodation because you wanted to go to the movies :P No, seriously. To request a different audition time slot, login to your account and click the "request change" button next to your time. Remember to come prepared with everything you got, and just have fun! You might even see some of the members there!

And that wraps up this year's March Post Challenge at 11 posts, one more than last year's 10! Yayyy *clapclapclap* that was a lot more work than anticipated! I'll try to keep uploading regularly despite the absence of April/May/June/etc. challenges. One a year is more than enough! Although my IB exams are coming up soon so if I'm MIA you know why ;)

Please support SERA00!

Grandfather's birthday dinner!

Hey everyone!

I don't know how many of you actually bothered to read my last post, but here's a post full of photos of delicious food to make up for my wordiness!
Over the weekend was my grandfather's birthday dinner...here are some photos from the set dinner of Elegance Chinese Cuisine & Banquet.

Hey it's Evie~

My favourite <3 ... buns filled with red bean paste, for special occasions like birthdays!

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Monday, March 30, 2015

Passion, dreams, and life....

Hey everyone!


I may never have mentioned this particular hobby of mine before, but I really enjoy film-making. From the process of dreaming up an idea, to storyboarding it, getting the crew together and catching all those perfect angles on the camera, and then finally piecing it together with some post-production magic. And in a way, I do think it's real magic - the way we can translate reality into another medium, and combine all the senses for an immersive experience is really magical to me. To be creating this magic is a dream come true for me. Check out some of my work in the blog sidebar => there's an embedded YouTube video of a dance cover of Apink's "Mr. Chu". It was an on the spot thing, so with all things considered, it's not too bad XD

But then that's the thing with some dreams, isn't it? Nothing is impossible...but is everything really possible? Our world is structured in such a way that there's a process to get anywhere. Not a journey of learning and experiences, but rather a set structure - take schooling for example. What perception do you have of someone who says they're a high school drop-out, versus a university graduate? Education is crucial to one's growth - but I believe that education and schooling are two very different things. Education is broad and encompassing, but schooling is limited and strict on the way they educate students. Isn't that kind of ironic? It's like harnessing something naturally free and wild, and reteaching it how to behave, how it's supposed to behave - or rather - how we expect it to behave.

Maybe I just think this way because I'm not doing so well in school myself. Maybe it's just an excuse. Or maybe it's a view that has opened up to me over the recent time periods. Something that causes you to view the world differently - passion. I've discovered different things over the past couple of years. I've discovered that Asian culture fascinates me. I've discovered music from Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and more recently, Korea. I've discovered the different stories they tell through their language, whether it be by lyric or film. I've discovered the stories I want to tell, and the ways I want to tell them.

I've discovered something I feel passionate about...yet it's still out of reach.

Because of the process. But don't blame the process, they might tell you. Blame yourself. Why can't you complete the process successfully when millions of others have? Just follow the process.

But sometimes, it just doesn't happen like that. What's my process? School and SERA00? University, get a job? I don't see film making, or penning songs, or creating worlds with words anywhere in that process. Because my process rejects these ideas no matter how much I want them - they just don't fit into that process. Everyone's passion is unique, and when it comes to something that just doesn't fit into your process no matter how hard you work, or how hard you try, you have to break that process to get what you want.

Only sometimes, we're too scared to break that process.

And often times, we don't know how to.

Please support SERA00!

P.S. SERA00 does have an academic policy. I wrote about it once in one of the first posts ever written on this blog. If you can't keep up with your academics, you're out. I know I have to work harder in order to show you a better Evie!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

D&E The Beat Goes On poster!

Hey everyone!

This is post challenge is harder than I'd thought it'd be. How did I do 24 posts last year? There isn't much happening right now. March break is over so there's a lot of work to do, and we have to start preparing for exams. They're closer than you think!
I preordered Donghae & Eunkyuk's album The Beat Goes On, and the album hasn't arrived yet, but the gorgeous poster has!
Official D&E poster
Donghae (left), Eunhyuk (right)
What do you think? <3_<3
Another song I've been obsessed with lately is Red Velvet's "Ice Cream Cake". Although a little eerie at the beginning, and detached styles between verses and choruses, the hook is too catchy to resist.
It's so tasty, come and chase me!

And of course, I couldn't not link this awesome performance of Xia Junsu's "Flower" with Tablo rapping live!
Take my hand, you know I'm here with you. Say my name, cuz lies can't kill the truth.

What do you want to read about next? Let me know!
Please support SERA00!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

THE NEXT GEN: Auditions

Hey everyone!
These post challenges are harder than I thought they'd be...
Anyways, spring is approaching fast, although the weather doesn't want to agree! And you know what that means - auditions for SERA00's 8th generation!
Management has been changing up the audition process quite often. I guess it gives me something to write about every year, at least. So today I'll be describing the 2015 audition process. As I've mentioned before, only auditions for SERA00 are open. Any future CASUT00 trainees will be picked internally from the company, but they're not planning any line-up changes for the time being.
This year, we are adopting a more talent based approach. Your journey first starts with an application, like always. These are automatically approved, unless you are ineligible to audition/join. You'll be given a time to come in and audition. These auditions will take place over the weekend of April 4-5. That's two weeks from now. Applications opened last weekend and will end the Friday night before the auditions (April 3 at 11:59 PM EST).
There are two categories for the auditions, singers and dancers, and you are free to choose either.
Singers: prepare first verse and chorus of a song, sung to a karaoke machine. Check our website for a complete list of songs.
Dancers: prepare a short ~30 second dance. Bring your own music or freestyle to a provided track.
Those who pass the first round will move on to the next round of auditions, which will be looking for both vocal and dance abilities, as well as potential and other attributes.
Around 50 girls will be chosen for the final group audition, from which the 8th generation will be selected. The number of girls who will be chosen is still undecided. In the past we've had anywhere from 12~16, maybe more, maybe less.
Those who are eligible for auditions include any female between the ages of 13 and 25 (by the application deadline). Apply now for a chance to join SERA00!
Please support SERA00!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Snowboarding pains + pi day!

Hey everyone!

Today was day 3 of march break snowboarding at Dagmar. With the recent rise in temperature, I thought the snow conditions would be terrible - or non-existent, at that - but they're actually not that bad. Kind of icy, but snowboardable.

I made a snowman at the top of the hill and successfully brought him down the hill without decapitating him. I got a lot of weird looks though XD

On a side note, it was Pi Day a couple of days ago! I should have posted this earlier but I SWEAR it was from March 14.

Please support SERA00!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Trip to Horseshoe Resort!

Hey everyone!

Today, SERA00 took a field trip...to Horseshoe Valley! We went cross-country skiing and tubing - at least that was what I did. Some girls chose the other options, including snowshoeing, skating, and geocaching. We weren't given the option of alpine skiing or snowboarding (which sucks) but there are a lot of members who haven't gone skiing/snowboarding before, and I guess Management doesn't want to take the chance that we all get hurt and there's no-one left to perform for you guys XD

Just want to say: cross-country skiing is way more tiring than alpine skiing or snowboarding. I ached for several days after! Also, tubing isn't as bad as I thought. I hate rollercoasters, and Wonderland (I know, shock, right?) so the idea of speeding down a hill on a tube wasn't especially appealing. Even though it still gave me mini g-force heart attacks, it was pretty fun :p

And now...the photos!

Horseshoe Adventure Park entrance

View from the tubing area

It's me, Evie ^.^

Tubing hill (slope?)

The Tack Shop

 It's been getting warmer, and there are a lot of puddles on the ground now. While I'm glad my face isn't freezing off every time I step outside, I hope there's still snow during March Break! I'm going snowboarding Monday-Thursday...but I'll be back in time to perform ;) Now, off to do my biology lab.....

Stay safe, stay healthy, please support SERA00!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Daylight savings?

Hey everyone!

Wahh it's really late...I stayed up working on a French project due tomorrow, only to be sent an email by the teacher literally at 2AM saying that she's not here tomorrow. But technically it's only around 1:40AM because of daylight saving hours...right? We're not procrastinating though, we're actually one of the first groups finished! Procrastination is never a good thing; it may feel good when you do it, but it's only going to harm yourself and your habits when the stress kicks in. I've experienced it so many times and I still haven't learned from my own advice XD start everything as early as possible!
The ski trip post is coming soon, I promise!

What are some things I think of these days? Other than my future pssh that's boring. Actually my dad wants to take me to Queens over march break...that's one thing I worry about too. How do I balance SERA00 and school? I know members have done it in the past but it's a challenging feat. 
Okay. Let's get onto the serious stuff. 
I was thinking of...dyeing my hair pink?!
Maybe in the summer~
You guys will be the first to know :)

Well it's pretty late and I perform tomorrow. I need energy to make sure you guys see the best show ever!

Please support SERA00!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Listening to music...memorizing music~

Hey everyone!

Ready for more k-pop? Here are my latest favourites. (there's stuff at the bottom to read if you want to skip all the k-pop stuff)

XIA Junsu - Flower
Amazing. First, this MV is pure epicness, even though watching it 10000000 million times doesn't make the meaning behind it any clearer to me...ah, it'll come eventually. Meanwhile, let's appreciate this really artistic eye candy. And his vocals, coupled with the unmistakeable sound of Tablo's rapping.
"Your life, your soul, your world, they cannot kill it."

I would totally get Junsu's album, except I decided before this came out that I would buy D&E's album (below) and I haven't gotten my paycheck yet -_-

Donghae & Eunhyuk - Growing Pains
YESYESYES. How perfect is this?? The OTP is back with a new song and I'm so excited! It sounds amazing! (fyi Suju is my bias group) That explains everything, doesn't it? The teasers already had me excited - find them here and here - but the song sounds really good as well. Just listen to it.
"I hope you aren't hurting as much as me...I hope you won't remember as much as I do."

I'll show you guys when the album arrives! Probably more than a month later though...*sigh* the problems of international fans...

Amber - Shake That Brass
Amber!! Your solo debut is awesome! It's fun, colourful, and catchy, very entertaining overall. I wasn't sure what to expect when I heard Amber was making a solo debut, but I'm satisfied by the product - very Amber with a splash of f(x).
"Here we go, hey, shake that brass!"

4Minute - Crazy
What's with all these songs coming out that all have the name "Crazy"? I didn't like this song at first, but it grew on me, and there's a certain power to the beat and music that makes you want to move...until you see the weird eyebrow-rubbing move in the chorus. Anyways...
"Everybody let's get crazy right now!"

K-pop aside, I'm stuck practising the piano until the piano adjudication on Saturday (nope, there's no audience, sorry :P). Memorizing music is a lot harder than I thought it would be... 

Pas de Deux by Samuel Barber

photo of the day!

Please support SERA00!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Frozen Baked Sweet Potatoes

Hey everyone!

Returning to the Complex completely drained and exhausted (you'll find out why in an upcoming post!), I rummaged around in the freezer for some food, and I found a box of frozen baked sweet potatoes from T&T! So the instructions were: microwave 3~5 minutes or bake in the oven for 4~6 minutes. I thought I'd share some photos with you since I'm a big fan of sweet potatoes, and I've never heard of such a thing. Frozen baked sweet potatoes that are microwavable? What is this sorcery?

frozen baked sweet potatoes

microwaved potato
Sadly, it didn't taste as good as it looks...

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Sunday, March 1, 2015

March Post Challenge 2015!

Hey everyone!

Okay. No, this is not cheating. I forgot about the February post challenge. Actually!
Last year, I started the February post challenge. I was aiming to beat the number of posts I published during February of 2013. I ended up with 24 posts, one more than the score of 23 in 2013. I was planning to do it this year as well, but by the time I remembered it, half of February had already flown by. So this year I bring you the March post challenge! Last year, I published 10 posts during March, so the goal this year is 11 or more. That shouldn't be hard...? We'll see!

Happy March!
yep same sweater as the November photocard
Please support SERA00!