Thursday, March 5, 2015

Listening to music...memorizing music~

Hey everyone!

Ready for more k-pop? Here are my latest favourites. (there's stuff at the bottom to read if you want to skip all the k-pop stuff)

XIA Junsu - Flower
Amazing. First, this MV is pure epicness, even though watching it 10000000 million times doesn't make the meaning behind it any clearer to me...ah, it'll come eventually. Meanwhile, let's appreciate this really artistic eye candy. And his vocals, coupled with the unmistakeable sound of Tablo's rapping.
"Your life, your soul, your world, they cannot kill it."

I would totally get Junsu's album, except I decided before this came out that I would buy D&E's album (below) and I haven't gotten my paycheck yet -_-

Donghae & Eunhyuk - Growing Pains
YESYESYES. How perfect is this?? The OTP is back with a new song and I'm so excited! It sounds amazing! (fyi Suju is my bias group) That explains everything, doesn't it? The teasers already had me excited - find them here and here - but the song sounds really good as well. Just listen to it.
"I hope you aren't hurting as much as me...I hope you won't remember as much as I do."

I'll show you guys when the album arrives! Probably more than a month later though...*sigh* the problems of international fans...

Amber - Shake That Brass
Amber!! Your solo debut is awesome! It's fun, colourful, and catchy, very entertaining overall. I wasn't sure what to expect when I heard Amber was making a solo debut, but I'm satisfied by the product - very Amber with a splash of f(x).
"Here we go, hey, shake that brass!"

4Minute - Crazy
What's with all these songs coming out that all have the name "Crazy"? I didn't like this song at first, but it grew on me, and there's a certain power to the beat and music that makes you want to move...until you see the weird eyebrow-rubbing move in the chorus. Anyways...
"Everybody let's get crazy right now!"

K-pop aside, I'm stuck practising the piano until the piano adjudication on Saturday (nope, there's no audience, sorry :P). Memorizing music is a lot harder than I thought it would be... 

Pas de Deux by Samuel Barber

photo of the day!

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