Monday, June 10, 2013

"Scary SERA00 Seniors!" O_o

Scary SERA00 Seniors? This is a what the new 00 ranks come up with after a couple of months at the SERA00 Complex.
There was a humoungous meeting in the Grand Hall of the SERA00 girls since Miss Avery came to see us. It was the first time she stopped by since Haven Hall. Standing up there in front with her microphone, she addresses the 00 ranks next. "00s, is there anything you'd like to comment on about SERA00, or your seniors, and performances?"
At first it starts as a low murmur amongst them, until it grows louder and one of the girls sitting close to the 00s, Fracken, shrieks, "What! Scary SERA00 seniors?!"
That got some good laughs until Luna asserted herself; "Wai-wai-wait a second here." She stands up and stares accusingly, but jokingly, at the 00s. "You think we're scary?"
"It must because of your dancing skills," Angel calls from the floor.
"Anyhow, as leader," Angel starts in a comically pompous tone. "I take it upon myself to find out exactly what this means." She grabs a microphone from one of the staff standing by and stalks over to the 00s, shoving it in Sammi's face. "Sammi. You're centre of 00s. Speak for them all!"
"Ah..." Sammi nods nervously. "I think it was that look Sassan gave-"
"Me?!" Sassan screeches in surprise.
Yumichan speaks up. "It was yesterday, when Sakiko-chan and a bunch of her friends walked by the understudy lounge room."
Sassan frowns, then nods. " and Tomiko-chan were in the corner on your phone."
Yumichan exchanges looks with Tomiko an snickers. "Ehhh?" Sassan wails. "Don't tell me, you had mail from them and you didn't tell me?"
Geneviève nudges Angel with her toe. "Continue."
"Right, right." Angel waves the mic around. "Anyone else have anything cocky to say about your seniors?"
"You'll scare off the real answerers," Rosie complains.
Macey speaks up. "Angel had something to do with it was that incident after the concert. Sassan, Luna, River, and Geneviève burst into our room, and then Angel came running to see what the commotion was."
"Oh, that." River comments. Everyone notices it when the aforementioned members' faces darken.
Some of the other members are wondering what the problem is.
At the front, Miss Avery smiles. "Could it be...Genesis?"
Immediately, six heads whip towards the word. They are the first generation girls. Miss Avery continues to speak. "00 ranks, you would do best not to bash ANY part or component of that song."
The 00s look at each other, probably realizing what they had said about the song yesterday.
Genesis, if you need a refresher, is the song sung by a sub-unit consisting of the remaining first generations.
Fracken, the only Fab 4 member who is not first generation, but second, speaks up. "I'm second gen, so I never sung the song. But 00s, I have the advantage of having seen them perform it many many times, whereas you've probably never seen a stage or performance with it."
Miss Avery picks up from Fracken's sentence. "Genesis is a very important song to the first generation members. They perform it with such obvious passion and emotions of girls who have worked so hard and broken through obstacles to achieve their dreams. 00s. You don't know the history of SERA00 until you've seen a live concert performance of Genesis."
Please support the first generations and SERA00.

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