Sunday, August 18, 2013

Decline in members?

Sorry this isn't a SERA00 Summer Concert post, but bear with me, they're coming out!

So many fans, tabloids, and critics alike have been commenting on the general decline of members in SERA00. The big question is, is this decline intentional?

The answer would be, for the most part, no. But also yes. 

Am I confusing you? Let me explain. According to official SERA00 management, they don't influence how much our numbers drop; only how much they rise. So the only way they have of controlling the numbers is if:
A) they want higher numbers and admit more members
B) they want lower numbers and admit less members

In 2007, when SERA00 was starting out, they had approximately 20 members. By 2010, they had four times the amount, 80 members. It started fluctuating, and between 2010 and 2012 the numbers wavered between 60 and 80. There was an overall decline after that, with the current number resting in the 40/50s (official members). 

But with the two new developments (that you'll find out in the concert), things may just take a brand new turn ;)

Please support SERA00!

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