Saturday, August 24, 2013

2013 SERA00 Summer Concert: Part 2

**[from this point forwards, the concert will be told as if Evie knows everything that is going on everywhere ;)]**
5:50 PM
"Problem!!! Big problem!" Two girls were running towards the management staff, who were positioned just off the side of the stage that was against the stadium wall, behind the curtains. 
Miss Avery was explaining to the others, "Can we move these songs here-yes, let's perform them on this stage instead of the middle stage? That way everyone is looking in one direction, and the girls have a backdrop."
"Miss Avery!" The staff turned around, surprised, to see Luna and Fracken out of breath. 
"Luna, Fracken, what is it?" Ms. Tallan stepped forwards.
Luna looked them in the eye. "I don't know how it happened, but the truck with Team Night and Team Hope's costumes aren't here yet!"
"What?!" Ms. Tallan exclaimed. "How is that possible?"
"What about the ones you're wearing now? Aurora and Angel?" Miss Avery asked.
"These uniform are for the opening song," Fracken replied. "Since everyone is participating, they were transported here together on the Team Angel and Aurora truck, which is here."
"We only have ten minutes, how was this not noticed before?" Ms. Tallan fumed. 
"Angel's checking that our right now-"
"Luna! Frack! Megan, Ms. Tallan!" Angel hurtled around the corner into sight. "Half an hour. They said half an hour minimum before the truck arrives."
Miss Avery considered the words, and then spun around. "Jamie!" she snapped. "Go get them ready." The young manager nodded and rushed away. 
(Evie insert: manager? You're wondering, right? Well we have tons of girls in SERA00, and almost each one has their own manager... So we have more than one manager working for SERA00 girls in general. 
So there's Megan Avery, the producer. She's really young, only 21, but once worked with the producer of some really big-time acts, so she's really talented at her job and has gotten tons of praise for her work with SERA00. Yes, you're correct, even River is older than Miss Avery. That's why you'll hear some of the seniors call her Megan instead of Miss Avery. 
Ms. Tallan is the complex manager, so she's with us most of the time. She's married but uses her maiden name in the business. 
Our president is some middle-aged man who I swear never shows his face; he just basically does SERA00's finances behind the scenes, but Miss Avery is the top powerhouse.
Then there are a couple of crews; the sound crew, lighting crew, equipment crew, transport crew, refreshments crew. The refreshments crew's not just responsible for refreshments, okay -__- they're the ones you see running around, telling idols where to go, supplying towels and water, and they also include a small medical team. 
And the managers oversee the crews, including Jamie, a fresh from university producer-in-training, former actor Mr. Takara, and Virginia, another manager slightly older than Jamie. Um those are the ones from the top of my mind. Most of these managers we only see during large scale SERA00 events, because it's usually just Ms. Tallan, Angel, and the crew.)
"Basically, the transport crew mixed up the Hope/Night costume truck with the make-up truck. So now we have an extra dressing room outside, but half the costumes missing," Angel finished. 
Miss Avery conversed quickly with Ms. Tallan, before giving instructions to a member of the transport crew. "Since the truck is here we might as well make use of it. Move Hope to the truck, and use their dressing room as the green room, so the girls don't have to use the makeshift curtain rig.
"Girls, go get ready for the first song. We'll proceed as normal, and I'll see whether we can swap around some songs."

6:10 PM
Virginia ran up to Ms. Tallan. "Where's Megan?" she asked hurriedly. Ms. Tallan pointed her in the right direction without commenting. 
"Megan! The stage crew says we have to start now, the audience is getting impatient," she exclaimed. 
Miss Avery sighed. "I was hoping we could wait out the costume truck. I guess not. Alright, put the concert in action."
The lights were abruptly dimmed in the concert hall, and the audience cheered wildly. 
"Are - you - readyyyy?" the shadow announcer was the C rank Fawn. She was yelling into a mic backstage, near the stage entrance. "LET'S GO SERA00!!"
From both sides of the stage, the members streamed into the spotlight, already dancing to the themed opening single "SERA00". 
The second song was going to be only the veteran members, and then the next only the A ranks, and then "Genesis" with only the first gens, so most of us had time to kill. About half of us lounged around in the dressing room, waiting to be called on standby, and some of us were already clustered in the standby area, as it had a large TV showing the same feed as the humoungous stage screens. 
Jamie stopped by to call the Dry cast on standby. Rome and I were chatting with some other C ranks, so we were the only ones who left the group. 
"Evie!" I heard my name being called. I veered away from the central flow of members and stood still while a makeup artist combed out my hair. I hadn't put up my hair, so the artist quickly swept it into a low side parting, and repinned the hair accessory on. 
"SERA00," Miss Avery spoke into a mic that only broadcast backstage. "The next song is Diamond in the Rough, so those of you who are in it will stay in your current costume. We'll have a good mix of costumes, so don't worry about looking out of place. We've received word of the truck arriving soon. Good luck everyone."
I think everyone or most of the Genesis cast is in Dry as well, so the rest of us just ran onstage to complete the cast. I almost forgot to go to the front, I was so used to dancing looking at other members' backs.
We finished up Dry and went onto Diamond in the Rough. When finally went backstage, some of the popular members had been dancing and singing onstage for almost ten songs in a row. 
Since it's summer, the stadium is open-topped, so there's no air conditioning whatsoever. The medical team are on standby, but it's still early into the concert and no one needs help yet. The top members have a respite now, as it's the 00 portion of the concert. 
Out onstage we see Macey Fent and Yumichan on MC. I guess the 00s become popular fast too, if they have the amount of exposure regular members have. The fans chants include "YU-MI-CHAN! YU-MI-CHAN! YU-MI-CHAN!" and a mix of "MAAA-CEY! MAAA-CEY!" and "MA-CEY-FENT! MA-CEY-FENT!" Which means Yumichan's fans already have a solid nickname and name-chant for her, but Macey's is still in-progress. 
(Evie insert: what are some other name-chants, you ask?
Mihashi "Sassan" Sakiko: SA-KI-KO
Annelise "Angel" Gillian: GIL-LI-AN
Fallon "Fracken" Mackenzie: FRA-CKEN
Luna Remington: LU-NA
Sara "River" Rivera: RI-VER-A
Alura "Luraland" Land: LU-RA-LAND
Romanne "Rome" Taylor: ROME-ROME-ROME
Evangeline "Evie" Vera: E-VIE
Although for the two of us, we're mostly seen together so the chant is often "ROM-E-VIE". Like the Fern and Thebes tag team chant "FHE-BES!" it's pronounced like the name "Phoebe", by the way.)
End of Part 2
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