Monday, July 11, 2016

35th single: This Way to the Moon - Evie centre!!

Hey everyone!

As promised, here is the post dedicated to our new single. I've already updated the site's discography and tracklisting to include our 35th single. The title is "This Way to the Moon" and the centre!

No kidding. Go look at the discography. "Evie" is really there. Some people have said that an Evie-centre is actually predictable, as I'm the only media member who hasn't centred a single at least once. Honestly, I think Management is just taking the opportunity to use the reception to this Evie-centred single to judge whether moving forwards with my solo debut is a good idea or not.

In addition to a first-timer centre, there are also some first-time cast members. Management has really picked a promotional cast this time. Let's break it down.

Centre: Evie
Sassan, Luna, Maya, Angel, Harley, Kotoka, Luraland, Rome, Sammi, Sayoung, Tomiko, Katalie, Tang Tang, Soracchi, Henley

If you're a media member (election top 8), you're almost guaranteed a place in anything SERA00 does - whether it's a TV show appearance, CF deal, or the main cast of a single. So we have the media members here - Sassan, Luna, Maya, Angel, Harley, Kotoka, Luraland, and me. Then we have the B and C rank centres, Rome and Tang Tang respectively. We also see Sammi, Tomiko, and Soracchi, the three who took the greatest improvement in last year's election. The 16-member cast is rounded off with the highest ranking girls from the 8th generation, Sayoung, Katalie, and Henley. Those three also happen to be 00 ranks, and 00 ranks rarely make it into the main cast - definitely not three of them. That gives us an indicator that the remaining 8th gen 00 ranks will be promoted sooner rather than later. It makes sense, seeing as the 9th gen is about to come in.

The MV and single "This Way to the Moon" drops tomorrow. Make sure to give it a watch and a listen!

Please support SERA00!

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