Monday, May 11, 2015

ACE of the 8th generation

Hey everyone!

So this is a continuation of the last post, an answer to the question:
Isn't the ace of the generation usually determined with the release of the names, and why haven't they debuted on stage yet?

Yes, the ace is usually determined with the release of the names. However, this year, management couldn't decide on an ace, but saw no reason to keep the fans or the auditionees waiting for the results when they already had the official list. This is why the 8th generation names were released without an ace specified. As for why they haven't debuted on stage yet, is simply because they have to work their formations based on the ace, and if they don't know who it is...yeah.

So. Who is the ace? [drumroll] Sayoung.

Why did it take longer than usual to decide on the ace? Here is their explanation. The ace, as I've explained before, is chosen based on star potential, and becomes the centre of the 00 ranks. Just assessing all the girls on the surface without knowledge of their backgrounds, Sayoung is no doubt the best. But this is because she has been training with YS Entertainment for a couple years, compared to the rest of her generation, who are basically fresh off the street. The training is much more vigorous than anything you'll find in SERA00, and she has been through it for a much longer time as well, so I don't think it's a stretch to compare her with the veterans of SERA00.

That being said, management wondered if it was fair to the other girls for Sayoung to be named ace, as she has a considerable advantage. I imagine the second choice would be Henley or Jenna. In the end, management went with Sayoung because they concluded that while she has an advantage, it wasn't just given to her - it was an advantage she put many hours of hard work and effort in to gain, and therefore there's no reason to discount it.

To round off the list of the aces from each generation:
Tang Tang Tsang
Sayoung Yoon

Let's welcome the 8th generation to SERA00's stage!

Please support SERA00!

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