Friday, August 30, 2013

CASUT00: Interview with producer, Megan Avery

Interview with SERA00 and CASUT00's producer, Megan Avery!

Why does the Infinity Project like to create groups with a high number of rotating members, rather than the mainstream low number of permanent members?
Our company, YS Entertainment, created the Infinity Project in such a way that the mission reflects its name.  I think most fans are heartbroken to hear that their favourite band or group has disbanded or broken up. These problems are usually due to conflicting interests and schedules. The way our groups are set up, everything is taken care of by the management. Our idols can put 100% of their energy towards entertaining and performing for their audience, without having to worry about these things. If a member is unavailable, there are always other members to support her and fill in for her. This way, with such a system, we can go on forever. Rotating members bring new changes to their group, but the spirit stays the same. We don't want ourselves to just be a memory in our fans' minds. We want to always be there, and I think SERA00 is very capable of accomplishing such a feat. If everyone works hard together, we can make this happen.

How many applicants will be accepted for CASUT00's first generation?
The official number hasn't been decided yet, but there won't be as many spots as SERA00's usual auditions. Like you asked, CASUT00 will be trying out a lesser number of official members and trainees. We're all hoping that it will work out, but if it doesn't, we can hire a greater number of second generations. 

What can we expect from Illusionary's concurrent position?
Exactly what was announced in the concert. Because the first generation of CASUT00 won't have seniors setting good examples like SERA00's trainees do, the three members will provide that temporary support. After six months, they'll be on their own, but they're first gens after all, right?

When will CASUT00 debut?
When they're ready. We can't tell at this point, but we would like to debut CASUT00 before the new year. They will cover SERA00's singles and stages until they are ready to release their own. 

Is there anything else you'd like to share?
Actually, there is something interesting... In SERA00, being in a relationship is not forbidden but is highly frowned upon. It will not get you expelled unless scandals surface. In CASUT00, there will be no love-ban rule. Members are free to do as they choose with their love life, and must regulate themselves accordingly, as scandals will continue to cause expulsion. However, any concurrent members will conform to the rules of their home group, unfortunately for any hopeful Illusionary girls (laughs). 

Thanks for your time, Miss Avery. 
No problem. We're all waiting to meet CASUT00 and looking forwards to seeing them succeed as a group. 

Please support SERA00!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

New SERA00 Teams

It takes more effort to change the page so I will soon XD But in the meantime here is the updated list of who is in which team.

Team Aurora (Ax5, Bx5, Cx5)
3) Fallon Mackenzie
A rank, SERA00's Aurora, CASUT00 concurrent position (SERA00's Hope)

1) Mihashi Sakiko
A rank, Centre of SERA00, Team Aurora (SERA00's Aurora)

Rosanna Keros
A rank, Team Aurora

Katerina Landon
A rank, Team Aurora (Night)

Lily Ellis
A rank, Team Aurora

Bryce Immelman
B rank, Team Aurora (Night)

Terra Appling
B rank, Team Aurora (Angel)

Willow Stockholme
B rank, Team Aurora

Elena Fernandez
B rank, Team Aurora (Hope)

Ginelle Gerald
B rank, Team Aurora

Fawn Cobbleton
C rank, Team Aurora (Angel)

Larisa Difiore
C rank, Team Aurora

Piper Weston
C rank, Team Aurora

Felicia Russel
C rank, Team Aurora (Angel)

Ariande Wong
C rank, Team Aurora (Night)

Team Night (Ax6, Bx4, Cx5)
2) Luna Remington
A rank, SERA00's Night

Sara Rivera
A rank, Team Night

Eden Fairmont
A rank, Team Night

Blissen Hewitt
A rank, Team Night (Aurora)

Wyoming Delaney
A rank, Team Night

Elyse Schreiner
A rank, Team Night (Hope)

Reece Walters
B rank, Team Night

Thalia Zhu 
B rank, Team Night (Hope)

Tia Banker
B rank, Team Night (Hope)

Kansas Sommerset
B rank, Team Night (Aurora)

Hollis Stern
C rank, Team Night (Angel)

Raine Colbert
C rank, Team Night (Hope)

Poppy Ganeson
C rank, Team Night (Angel)

Shannon Hunton
C rank, Team Night (Aurora)

Tricia Henrie
C rank, Team Night

Team Angel (Ax7, Bx4, Cx4)
Harley Breeze
A rank, SERA00's Angel (Team Angel)

4) Annelise Gillian
A rank, Leader of all 00 members, Team Angel, SERA00 Management concurrent position (SERA00's Angel)

Geneviève DuPont
A rank, Team Angel

Alura Land
A rank, Team Angel

Maya Shale
A rank, Team Angel, CASUT00 concurrent position (Aurora)

Brynn Dell
A rank, Team Angel

Alison Li
A rank, Team Angel

Cherie Delacroix
B rank, Team Angel

Alyssandra Houser
B rank, Team Angel

Aida Kotoka
B rank, Team Angel

Evalyn Trent
B rank, Team Angel

Evangeline Vera
C rank, Team Angel, CASUT00 concurrent position (Aurora)

Romanne Taylor
C rank, Team Angel (Aurora)

Whitley Sunnings
C rank, Team Angel (Night)

Amelia Tyson
C rank, Team Angel (Hope)

Team Hope (on hiatus)

00 rank
Samantha Willis
00 rank, Centre of 00 ranks

Macey Fent
00 rank

Mikayla Iverson
00 rank

Oakley Canterbury
00 rank

Kaya Courtland
00 rank

Liesl Surrey
00 rank

Haley Wickham
00 rank

Scarlett Sommier
00 rank

Tsukino Yumi
00 rank 

Hamasaki Tomiko
00 rank

Braelyn Rowe
00 rank

Aspen Wilkenson
00 rank

Briar Ross
Briar Rose
00 rank

Eclair Holland
00 rank

Please support SERA00!

2013 SERA00 Summer Concert: Highlights and Lowlights

Hey everyone! Here are some of the highlights and lowlights of the 2013 SERA00 Summer Concert "Super Extravaganza". 
Day 1
"The costume trucks have arrived! The costume trucks have arrived!" The call was taken up by many of the backstage staff, until everyone was informed. The current song finished just then, and the cast member came backstage. There had been a marathon of Team Angel and Team Aurora songs, and some of the more popular members in both teams were exhausted. 
Harley and Angel came back first, and Angel sagged into a chair. "Water!" Harley called. "Someone bring water!" Not having been onstage as much, Harley was in slightly better shape and was called to join the cast of the next song. 
Sassan staggered backstage, supported by Maya, and sagged into a chair. 
A manager ran past with some water, ice pack and fans and headed for Angel. He waited until she had finished drinking, but discussed a couple of urgent subjects with her while she was recuperating. 
The medic team arrived with portable oxygen, but three-quarters of SERA00 either in costume or makeup, and the stage had been vacant for almost two minutes. Most of the recovering girls pulled themselves to their feet for one more performance before the other girls were ready to take over. 
"Keep Sassan and Angel off the stage for at least fifteen minutes after this song," a medic was telling Ms. Tallan, "or they will be in danger of collapse. Watch Harley and Rosie. Luraland and Maya are going strong today, they'll be okay for another couple of songs."
There weren't any other major health problems...other than they had to get more oxygen for the members, managers had to fan the girls, Sassan collapsed right before a 1st gen song so it had to be swapped out, and Fracken had to sit out half the encore...what else? Next time we'll bring portable air conditioners....

Day 2
I think the senior members were trying to kill time with their MC. We're almost forty-five minutes ahead of schedule, and by now even the 00 ranks know to wonder who had done the scheduling for Day 2.
"Yesterday, I went into a game shop to get something for my brother," Luna says, "Except I couldn't get in."
"Why not?" Fracken asks, moving the MC along. 
"It wasn't even because it was closed or anything. The store manager himself intercepted me and told me I had to come back another time."
"Really, did you attract too much attention?" Angel says. "Did you bring along paparazzi or something?"
Sassan was the only one not saying anything, looking off into the distance in innocence. 
"Rather," Luna looks pointedly in Sassan's direction. "Someone forgot to close the blinds."
"Ahh," Angel nods in understanding.
"There's a music store right next to the game shop," Luna explains to the audience, "And one of the practice room's window faces a window in the game shop. Guess who was playing the piano in that room?"
"My piano was having maintenance," Sassan defends herself. 
"OOOOOHHH," the fans go. Because we had just performed the song "Mountain" with a full cast, every member was still onstage as the seniors engaged in MC. So many of us were kind of confused at the fan reaction.
I follow the actions of some of the members around me and turn around. Ms. Tallan had come onstage holding a mic and some papers. I'm pretty sure most of us were thinking "uh oh, something is happening". The seniors shut up, expecting that the theatre manager was going to say something. 
"Good evening everyone!" Ms. Tallan speaks. "Thank you for coming to SERA00's 2013 Summer Concert!"
They cheer. 
"I have something say. Today I will announce SERA00's first major team shuffle."
First; the audience reactions. 
Next; the members' reactions. 
The fans may be disappointed to see their favourite members split up - for example, if the Romevie duo is split up, then they'd have to attend two different SERA00 Stages to see us both, cuz now we're in different teams. Well, they wouldn't be the only one disappointed. 
Now think about us members. For the past few years, we've been bonding with the members in our team, and we know each other best. To be split up with our long-time work partners and best friends is gonna be harsh. 
And on top of that we just learned new stages for our teams -_- only to be shuffled to a new one?
Ms. Tallan wastes no time. "This team shuffle will be put into effect on August 26th. A while back, Angel and Sassan requested to step down from their captain positions to focus on their other positions. With this team shuffle, their requests have been granted."
Some staff members are coming out with some signs. There are four of them and they place these along the edge of the stage. 
"Fallon Mackenzie. SERA00's Aurora."
Fracken glanced at Ms. Tallan, and then headed to the "Team Aurora" sign. I guess they'd need someone to replace Sassan. I can't tell from her expression what she thinks of being switched to the captain of a new team. 
"Luna Remington."
Luna, who hadn't asked for a position change, clasped her hands together in apprehension. 
"SERA00's Night."
Luna pumped her fist and headed to the sign. 
"Harley Breeze. SERA00's Angel."
Harley looked up quickly, and was enveloped in Angel's congratulatory hug.
"Mihashi Sakiko. Team Aurora, Centre of SERA00."
Sassan's fans cheered as Ms. Tallan's words reinforced her position.
"Annelise Gillian. Team Angel."
Angel nodded her head and took her place with Harley. She looked kind of worried that Ms. Tallan hadn't said "leader" like she had said that Sassan was centre. Some of the fans were even murmuring at the vague indication.
"Rosanna Keros. Team Aurora. Sara Rivera. Team Night. Alura Land. Team Angel."
So far, the last three members of the media members hadn't changed teams. The fans were anticipating the next bad move. 
"Maya Shale. Team Angel."
Mixed reactions. Maya was originally in Team Aurora with me and Rome, but now she's transferred to Angel. 
The calling goes on. There is cheering and booing, and fans groan as the Fern-Thebes tag team is broken up. But one dreading thought is in everyone's mind, fans and members alike. All the members of Team Hope are being transferred out; yet no-one is transferring in. Hope didn't get a new stage, and there are three signs onstage that read "Aurora", "Angel", and "Night", yet the last sign is void of members and covered with a red cloth. What is the meaning of this?
"Kansas Sommerset. Team Aurora."
"Hollis Stern. Team Angel."
With Holly, we know Ms. Tallan is onto the C ranks now. 
Before I know it, she says, "Evange...."
I snap into focus and jerk my gaze towards Ms. Tallan. I've thought of this before. If I wasn't in Team Aurora, which team would I prefer? Ever since my promotion to official member, six months after my debut, I've been assigned to Team Aurora. Our stages are bubbly and fun, our costumes pretty and cute. 
Perhaps Team Hope. They're more cool and risqué; their stages are...hmm what's the word...innovative. Also, Team Hope is suprisingly scary when it comes to training. The image is that Team Night is the train-till-you're-dead team, but the few girls who've experienced both teams say that Hope is hard on those who don't match up to their image. I think that's why they have a constant stream of 00s. Most are stuffed into Hope when they're promoted, before being switched out. Although I wouldn't know, Rome was in Hope for two months before being switched to Aurora. 
Team Night? I assume I wouldn't be put in this team, so I didn't think about it as much. They're more intense. Their stages are energetic and strong. Their costumes are more thematic than ours. I never thought my personality would fit with Night's intense image, but who knows?
Team Angel. I guess I always wanted to be on the same team with my oshi - the member I really look up to, Angel. But Angel wouldn't be Angel if she weren't in Team Angel so I'm glad she wasn't switched out. 
"....line Vera." I come back from my thoughts. I'm really nervous. I guess this is how all the members before me felt. Was the pause between their name and team this long? Or am I just imagining it? "Team Angel."
YES. Wait what? Did she actually say Angel? It still doesn't register until Angel pulls me over and welcomes me to the team. By the time I'm listening again, all I hear is "...Taylor. Team Angel."
I see Rome running across the stage to me and I know I won't be alone in this new team at all. 
"I would like to take this opportunity to make some more announcements," Ms. Tallan says to all of us; the stunned audience and shocked members from the previous piece of news. "A new sub-unit has been created. It consists of two official members and two 00 ranks. The members are Mihashi Sakiko, Aida Kotoka, Hamasaki Tomiko, and Tsukino Yumi. These four will form the sub-unit SKYTown."
Ms. Tallan pauses to let us register the news. "Two other sub-units have been created. One is temporary, created for the promotion of a company line starring SERA00. This sub-unit will add three members to the existing sub-unit Destination. With Elena Fernandez, Briar Ross, and Macey Fent (and Luna, Rosie, Reece, Cherry, Alyss, Fawn, Holly, and Rome), they will temporarily become Destination Yoplica TM.
"SERA00's fourth sub-unit will be a trio not unlike flynow; the three members, Fallon Mackenzie, Maya Shale, and-"
The fans are already wooowing because the members named are popular, and may beat the fanbase of the flynow members combined. 
"-Evangeline Vera."
Hah? <=my reactions=> O__O •••
I swear, it's not even, Omgomgthankyousomuchmeeeee?Yay... I'm thinking, is it okay that it's me? The Fracken and Maya fans must be disappointed that I'm the third person dragging down- wait what's the name of it?
"These three will create the sub-unit Illusionary."
But Fracken and Maya are smiling as they envelop me in a hug. "Don't worry Evie," Maya whispers. "Your best work is enough for everyone to accept you."
One of the members -the A rank Lyla- steps forwards with an inquiry about some names that weren't called. 
At that point, the A rank Lyla Marotta and the B rank Martine Alvear announced their graduation. This stirred quite a bit of ruckus among everyone, as they were fairly well known members. Lyla stated her reason as wanting to pursue acting, and Martine as making time for studies. 
"And since we're all asking questions," Fracken says slowly and deliberately, stepping forwards to look at the theatre manager, "Ms. Tallan. What happened to Team Hope?" There is a loud audience reaction to this question. 
But it is even louder when Ms. Tallan answers, "Team Hope is currently on hiatus. All the members have been assigned new teams."
Many of the previous Team Hope members are clutching each other and crying; why was it their team that was put on hiatus?
Miss Avery appears onstage next to Ms. Tallan. Everyone went "OOOOOHHH" because for the producer to come out onstage meant something bigger was going to happen. The members are already milling restlessly in the new teams. 
Miss Avery addresses all the members, fans in the stadium, and supporters at home. "SERA00 was conceptualized seven years ago, and in 2007, the first generation of members brought this group to life. SERA00 was created to help young, aspiring girls on their way to stardom, a stepping stone into the world of showbusiness. The name SERA00 was never meant to mean anything, but somehow we found that it could represent its members perfectly. Stars... Emerging... Rising... Arriving... It embodies the meaning of SERA00. This group gives girls a place to start out, and if they work hard they will gain supporters like all of you out there. And when they finally arrive, they may graduate with loyal fans who will follow their journey and career after SERA00. The two zeros serve to remind us that everyone has started out somewhere, even our immensely popular front girls. But they can also combine to form an infinity sign, representing that our dreams, hopes, goals, and love for performance will never wane; SERA00 will be forever."
None of the members know what the producer was talking about, but they knew they had to react to elicit some response from the audience. "Yeah SERA00!" Angel shouts into her mic. Luna, Fracken, and then Sassan take up the call, until the entire stadium is chanting our name. 
"Because SERA00 has been so successful at spreading inspiration and achieving dreams, the Infinity Project has been born," Miss Avery continues.
The VTR flashes on as fans and members mutter between themselves. The screen shows the words "INFINITY PROJECT" on a background featuring a silver infinity ring. The ring slowly turns blue. SERA00 has never had an "official colour", but overall, we're associated with a light blue. Then, a pink creeps outwards from the middle of the ring. Slowly, it entwines with the existing blue until both are evenly distributed. 
INFINITY PROJECT fades, and a new word takes it's place. CASUT00. 
"This is the second project after SERA00; our first sister group," Miss Avery narrates. "It's name will be CASUT00. Please feel free to use the shortened form that feels closer to SERA00; CASU."
Miss Avery pronounces the group's full name kah-zoo-tow, but the nickname kah-zoo. "CASUT00 will represent a new generation of girls who are challenging, achieving, succeeding,  united and together...forever."
The screen starts flashing with more information. "Starting today, applications can be found on SERA00's website. All the girls out there aspiring to achieve what SERA00 has now have a brand new chance with CASUT00. The first generation of SERA00's first sister group will debut at or before our 2013 SERA00 Winter Concert."
Miss Avery holds up her hand. "There is more. The three members of Illusionary, Fallon Mackenzie, Maya Shale, and Evangeline Vera, will hold a concurrent position in their respective teams in SERA00, as well as in CASUT00. This concurrent position will last for six months."
"WOOOAAAAAHHHH!" I'm not sure how to describe the noise in the stadium by now. The odds of getting into SERA00's first generation was about 1:250, with around 5000 applicants. Now it's closer to 1:1500 (sorry, I think my statistics from some months ago were wrong). Averaging 30 000 applicants a generation, the odds may be even greater to beat thousands of girls to the coveted first generation spots. And now the three of us will hold concurrent spots; that means for six months, we'll have to participate in both SERA00 and CASUT00's activities and performances. 
"Before the SERA00 girls perform for you all, there is only one more matter I would like to address," Miss Avery says. "CASUT00 and any future Infinity Project creations will need a reliable and respectable leader. There was only one choice from the start. Annelise Gillian."
Angel steps forwards. "Angel, you will hold a concurrent position in SERA00 and the SERA00 management as leader of the 00 groups."
"Thank you," Angel is saying, really happy. A bunch of her friends are hugging her. "Thank you, I will try my best to lead everyone."

And so, that wraps up the high&lowlights of SERA00's 2013 Summer Concert!
Please support SERA00!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

2013 SERA00 Summer Concert: Part 2

**[from this point forwards, the concert will be told as if Evie knows everything that is going on everywhere ;)]**
5:50 PM
"Problem!!! Big problem!" Two girls were running towards the management staff, who were positioned just off the side of the stage that was against the stadium wall, behind the curtains. 
Miss Avery was explaining to the others, "Can we move these songs here-yes, let's perform them on this stage instead of the middle stage? That way everyone is looking in one direction, and the girls have a backdrop."
"Miss Avery!" The staff turned around, surprised, to see Luna and Fracken out of breath. 
"Luna, Fracken, what is it?" Ms. Tallan stepped forwards.
Luna looked them in the eye. "I don't know how it happened, but the truck with Team Night and Team Hope's costumes aren't here yet!"
"What?!" Ms. Tallan exclaimed. "How is that possible?"
"What about the ones you're wearing now? Aurora and Angel?" Miss Avery asked.
"These uniform are for the opening song," Fracken replied. "Since everyone is participating, they were transported here together on the Team Angel and Aurora truck, which is here."
"We only have ten minutes, how was this not noticed before?" Ms. Tallan fumed. 
"Angel's checking that our right now-"
"Luna! Frack! Megan, Ms. Tallan!" Angel hurtled around the corner into sight. "Half an hour. They said half an hour minimum before the truck arrives."
Miss Avery considered the words, and then spun around. "Jamie!" she snapped. "Go get them ready." The young manager nodded and rushed away. 
(Evie insert: manager? You're wondering, right? Well we have tons of girls in SERA00, and almost each one has their own manager... So we have more than one manager working for SERA00 girls in general. 
So there's Megan Avery, the producer. She's really young, only 21, but once worked with the producer of some really big-time acts, so she's really talented at her job and has gotten tons of praise for her work with SERA00. Yes, you're correct, even River is older than Miss Avery. That's why you'll hear some of the seniors call her Megan instead of Miss Avery. 
Ms. Tallan is the complex manager, so she's with us most of the time. She's married but uses her maiden name in the business. 
Our president is some middle-aged man who I swear never shows his face; he just basically does SERA00's finances behind the scenes, but Miss Avery is the top powerhouse.
Then there are a couple of crews; the sound crew, lighting crew, equipment crew, transport crew, refreshments crew. The refreshments crew's not just responsible for refreshments, okay -__- they're the ones you see running around, telling idols where to go, supplying towels and water, and they also include a small medical team. 
And the managers oversee the crews, including Jamie, a fresh from university producer-in-training, former actor Mr. Takara, and Virginia, another manager slightly older than Jamie. Um those are the ones from the top of my mind. Most of these managers we only see during large scale SERA00 events, because it's usually just Ms. Tallan, Angel, and the crew.)
"Basically, the transport crew mixed up the Hope/Night costume truck with the make-up truck. So now we have an extra dressing room outside, but half the costumes missing," Angel finished. 
Miss Avery conversed quickly with Ms. Tallan, before giving instructions to a member of the transport crew. "Since the truck is here we might as well make use of it. Move Hope to the truck, and use their dressing room as the green room, so the girls don't have to use the makeshift curtain rig.
"Girls, go get ready for the first song. We'll proceed as normal, and I'll see whether we can swap around some songs."

6:10 PM
Virginia ran up to Ms. Tallan. "Where's Megan?" she asked hurriedly. Ms. Tallan pointed her in the right direction without commenting. 
"Megan! The stage crew says we have to start now, the audience is getting impatient," she exclaimed. 
Miss Avery sighed. "I was hoping we could wait out the costume truck. I guess not. Alright, put the concert in action."
The lights were abruptly dimmed in the concert hall, and the audience cheered wildly. 
"Are - you - readyyyy?" the shadow announcer was the C rank Fawn. She was yelling into a mic backstage, near the stage entrance. "LET'S GO SERA00!!"
From both sides of the stage, the members streamed into the spotlight, already dancing to the themed opening single "SERA00". 
The second song was going to be only the veteran members, and then the next only the A ranks, and then "Genesis" with only the first gens, so most of us had time to kill. About half of us lounged around in the dressing room, waiting to be called on standby, and some of us were already clustered in the standby area, as it had a large TV showing the same feed as the humoungous stage screens. 
Jamie stopped by to call the Dry cast on standby. Rome and I were chatting with some other C ranks, so we were the only ones who left the group. 
"Evie!" I heard my name being called. I veered away from the central flow of members and stood still while a makeup artist combed out my hair. I hadn't put up my hair, so the artist quickly swept it into a low side parting, and repinned the hair accessory on. 
"SERA00," Miss Avery spoke into a mic that only broadcast backstage. "The next song is Diamond in the Rough, so those of you who are in it will stay in your current costume. We'll have a good mix of costumes, so don't worry about looking out of place. We've received word of the truck arriving soon. Good luck everyone."
I think everyone or most of the Genesis cast is in Dry as well, so the rest of us just ran onstage to complete the cast. I almost forgot to go to the front, I was so used to dancing looking at other members' backs.
We finished up Dry and went onto Diamond in the Rough. When finally went backstage, some of the popular members had been dancing and singing onstage for almost ten songs in a row. 
Since it's summer, the stadium is open-topped, so there's no air conditioning whatsoever. The medical team are on standby, but it's still early into the concert and no one needs help yet. The top members have a respite now, as it's the 00 portion of the concert. 
Out onstage we see Macey Fent and Yumichan on MC. I guess the 00s become popular fast too, if they have the amount of exposure regular members have. The fans chants include "YU-MI-CHAN! YU-MI-CHAN! YU-MI-CHAN!" and a mix of "MAAA-CEY! MAAA-CEY!" and "MA-CEY-FENT! MA-CEY-FENT!" Which means Yumichan's fans already have a solid nickname and name-chant for her, but Macey's is still in-progress. 
(Evie insert: what are some other name-chants, you ask?
Mihashi "Sassan" Sakiko: SA-KI-KO
Annelise "Angel" Gillian: GIL-LI-AN
Fallon "Fracken" Mackenzie: FRA-CKEN
Luna Remington: LU-NA
Sara "River" Rivera: RI-VER-A
Alura "Luraland" Land: LU-RA-LAND
Romanne "Rome" Taylor: ROME-ROME-ROME
Evangeline "Evie" Vera: E-VIE
Although for the two of us, we're mostly seen together so the chant is often "ROM-E-VIE". Like the Fern and Thebes tag team chant "FHE-BES!" it's pronounced like the name "Phoebe", by the way.)
End of Part 2
Please support SERA00!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Dry MV; members' air times

~Karayin post~
SERA00 Wota, the music video for their latest single, Dry, is out, along with news of their pre-election 23rd single. 
The 23rd single will be cute, charming song named "Tea Party", featuring Mihashi Sakiko exclusively as the centre. 
The Dry MV has debuted with Luna and Angel taking the centre, with Sassan, Fracken, and centre position newcomer Evangeline Vera. 
The MV features complicated choreography filmed at a beach during the dusk light. Machines set up around the dance area spit fire and smoke into the air, adding another intense factor into this MV. 
Obviously, many fans were eager to analyze each members' air time. This is the number of seconds a member's face is shown in the video. After careful analysis, here are the stats. 

Luna (2:13)
Angel (2:06)
Sassan (2:04)
Fracken (1:23)
Evie (1:11)

These are the top five air times of members. We can probably expect Sassan to top the rankings in the next single, so watch out for it!

Please support SERA00!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Decline in members?

Sorry this isn't a SERA00 Summer Concert post, but bear with me, they're coming out!

So many fans, tabloids, and critics alike have been commenting on the general decline of members in SERA00. The big question is, is this decline intentional?

The answer would be, for the most part, no. But also yes. 

Am I confusing you? Let me explain. According to official SERA00 management, they don't influence how much our numbers drop; only how much they rise. So the only way they have of controlling the numbers is if:
A) they want higher numbers and admit more members
B) they want lower numbers and admit less members

In 2007, when SERA00 was starting out, they had approximately 20 members. By 2010, they had four times the amount, 80 members. It started fluctuating, and between 2010 and 2012 the numbers wavered between 60 and 80. There was an overall decline after that, with the current number resting in the 40/50s (official members). 

But with the two new developments (that you'll find out in the concert), things may just take a brand new turn ;)

Please support SERA00!

Monday, August 12, 2013

2013 SERA00 Summer Concert Preview 1.5

5:45 PM
"Girls!" Angel yells into a loudspeaker. "Well, some of you have performed in a summer concert before, and some of you haven't, but regardless, each time is a new learning experience. The important thing is to try your best, okay? If you're confused at any time, see the staff around. This is one of SERA00's largest events of the year-of any year, really, so challenge yourself and see for yourself what you're capable of; leave no regrets!"
"And have fun!" Sassan calls. 
Angel picks up the call. "Yeah, fun! That too. Ok bring in the huddle!" We all rush forwards and attempt to stick our hands in at least somewhat. "Three, two, one..."
Sixty-one hands are raised to the sky. Our 2013 concert begins now. 
End of Preview 1.5
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Saturday, August 3, 2013

2013 SERA00 Summer Concert: Part 1

Friday wasn't actually part of the concert. We only performed at the ACC on the weekend, but we usually do an introductory concert at the complex on the leading up to it. This time we set up an outdoor stage and had the audience stand on the grass. I think we can accommodate close to eight times the amount of people as opposed to them seated in the complex. 
Instead of the usually lottery for daily stage tickets, it was an everyone-welcome first-come-first-serve thing. Tickets were $20 each with all proceeds going to charity ;)
So at the concert, we basically stuck to the stages, instead of usual big concert repertoire (since we are at the complex after all). All four teams were there and we debuted our 5th stage. Strangely, only three teams had a new stage. I guess we should have guessed why, but Team Hope didn't debut a new stage, merely performing their 4th Stage. The new stages included Team Aurora 5th Stage "Pretty Harmony", Team Angel 5th Stage "Freedom", and Team Night 5th Stage "Dusk is Rising". More about the new stages another time, okay? :)
Let's fast forward. 2013 SERA00 Summer concert "Super Extravaganza", Day 1! New costumes, new songs, new changes. 

1 AM
We arrive at the ACC. The buses of idols pull up  with most of the B and C ranks, and the 00s. Most of the A ranks arrive separately due to scheduling conflict. Anyways, they're important events, so the concert takes scheduling priority over everything, including interview, photoshoots, meetings... I'm not sure about award ceremonies hmm we've never had that happen. Baaasically, what I'm trying to say is that most of the A ranks were here too. Except for Sassan, Fracken, Angel, River, and Geneviève. Okay, maybe not most. Sorry! ^_^"

11:30 AM
Scouting the place; backstage and onstage. They assign the dressing rooms to each team, and the crew unloads our costume. Each member knows what acts they're performing in, so their costumes were packed beforehand. Onstage, Luna and Harley are testing the mics and then we're all onstage. 
"Morning everyone," Harley drawls into the mic. "I works..."
"I'd never have guessed," Luna replies sarcastically. "We're starting out with the single SERA00, performers include our full force. So we need to line everyone up accordingly. How many members do we have currently?"
"Forty-seven official, sixty-one with the 00 ranks," one of the staff calls up to the stage. The stage itself is pretty boring. There's nothing special about the layout, it is merely a rectangular raised stage in the middle of the stadium. Although there is more seating facing the stage, there is seating behind and around it as well. 
Luna purses her lips as she studies the stage. "Okay, sorry girls, official members only." A couple of groans come from the 00s. I guess they'd be bummed out at not being able to participate in the first song. 
"WAAAHHHH!" voices screech through the speakers. Us girls on the stage look around in surprise. Angel and Sassan, each holding a mic, are running in from opposite side doors, down between the audience and towards the stage. Fracken is running next to Sassan. 
"So," Luna continues calmly, "We'll be using those entrances for some of the songs. Be sure to be ready for your act so the staff can take you to the entrance. Ask about where to be beforehand if you have some quick change acts. Which is, most of the A ranks, okay? Quick change room is next to the middle stage entrance. Angel?"
"Yes okay let's have all the SERA00 cast line up in four rows..." The captains walked among the rows, judging spacing and whether the people on the side would fall off the stage and stuff. You know what I mean.
"Okay let's get the Tea Party main cast up here," Sassan called through her mic. "Formation...First row take a step forwards...hmm maybe..."
"Squish in the second row?" Fracken suggested, gesturing. "Then it would look so systematical."
"Yeah," Sassan agreed. "Let's do that. Okay, we'll follow this template for the other songs for now, okay?"

12:30 PM
Lunch! The usual take-out hot lunches that the complex supplies are handed out in boxes, and we eat backstage. No, we don't get lobster and butter and creme brûlée. Just, a cookie. And rice. Chicken. Broccoli. Juice box. Whatever, we're all used to it by now. 

1:30 PM
Rehearsal! Angel picks up a mic as we clean up. "SERA00, we're going to go through the songs. We'll run the CDs, so pick up your mic and go through it but save your voice for the actual concert. We'll start from the beginning." Starting with our theme single, we go through the entire concert repertoire and are sweating ducks at the end. Actually, I'm not sure what that metaphor means o_O

4:00 PM
The rehearsal took about 2 and a half hours. This was the rehearsal time, not factoring in MCs, act change, encore calls and unforeseen incidents, medical issues, etc. In other words, we give lots of buffer time and it's worked in the past. 
Ms. Tallan takes over. "Miss Avery will arrive in time for formation check. One hour until the concert hall is open to audience, two to the first song. Go to costume and makeup now. Review where you're supposed to be and when, especially 00s and others who haven taken part in a SERA00 Summer concert before." Ms. Tallan says summer with reason. "Stay hydrated throughout. The actual concert will be much tougher than the rehearsal. Go get some rest and meet up in the central backstage area half an hour before the opening act."
End of Part 1
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