Wednesday, November 2, 2016

FOLLOW, election, graduation.

Hey everyone!

I bet you're thinking, the Follow concert happened last month! Why hasn't she posted anything? Well the truth is, Evie wrote her last midterm yesterday! (Although she is very sad that she second-guessed the answer to a question, when in fact, her first try was correct ㅠㅠ) She will now tell you all about the concert.

Digressing for a moment, don't forget to submit your votes for the SERA00's 6th General Election! The last day to vote is until 11:59 PM EST on November 5, which is this Saturday. If you've enjoyed reading this blog, perhaps you'll consider giving me a vote... :D

Now, the Follow recap, here we go! I was quite impressed by everyone's ability to find the mini-concerts so easily - tons of you showed up! My non-SERA00 friend, who attended the festivities, told me that you guys were all over social media, updating other fans on the performance locations. (#wheresSERA00 #FollowConcert) When the arrow at the end of a performance was revealed, the next location would start blasting SERA00 instrumentals for the next half hour until the next team appeared onstage. But the venue turned out to be packed just fifteen minutes after the previous performance. You were all pretty quick to get to the next location! Hehe was it fun? At least everyone got some exercise! I think the later performances were easier to locate, because fans were narrowing down the probable location of the final concert. Once it was pretty obvious where the final concert would be held, then everyone knew that the rest of the mini-concerts would be along the way.

Ms. Tallan - do you remember Ms. Tallan? She was the SERA00 Complex manager, but the SERA00 Complex is no more - she's now the SERA00 City manager. When we made the move to the City, we jokingly started calling Ms. Tallan the mayor XD. Anyways, what I was saying was that Ms. Tallan didn't come out with us, she was working at the City. Apparently, early in the morning, there were fans outside the City waiting to see if members would be coming out. But this was anticipated, so all the teams were already on location the night before. We traveled there secretly and spent the night close to wherever we were performing the next day, in order to prevent anyone from leaking the concert locations beforehand. 

Team Evie was in charge of the second mini-concert. It was actually really fun performing a set list as a small group. I had Rome, Cassie, Sayoung, Piper, Emma, Liesl, and Jenna in my team. As I mentioned previously, team captains get to perform a solo song, and I performed "It's Okay, Wolf Boy". If you were there, you would have witnessed my surprised reaction at the fan chants during the song. IOWB doesn't even have an official fan chant, so I wasn't expecting it. Uhhhh yeah I've been seeing photos of my reaction circling around on SNS 😅 ha..haha...

Here's the set list from the final concert. (MC = the main cast of that single)

    Opening: Follow Me by Luraland [Luraland's 5th single]
    1. Countdown 
               by 00 ranks [00 rank 6th Stage]
    2. Follow the Railroad Home
               by MC [36th single]
    3. She Knows
               by B-ranks [36th single b-side]
    4. Uncharted
               by CASUT00 [CASUT00's 4th single]
    5. 5 Days 
               by Team Aurora [36th single team song]
    6. Spectacular 
               by Team Angel [36th single team song]
    7. Deadline 
               by Team Night [36th single team song]
    8. Together We Will 
               by C-ranks [36th single c-side]
    9. Airborne
               by the 1st and 2nd Generations [8th single]
    10. When the Bells Toll
               by everyone w/ Geneviève centre [4th single]
    11. This Way to the Moon
               by MC [35th single]
    12. Genesis
               by the 1st Generation [1st single]

Ah...the sad part of the happy show. "Airborne", SERA00's 8th single, was the first and only single that Geneviève centred. After the 1st and 2nd generations' performance of "Airborne", Geneviève remained centre stage and addressed the audience. At this time, crews began to set up risers at the back of the stage. 

"As of 2017, I will have been in SERA00 for ten years." Geneviève described her experience as a member of SERA00, starting all the way back when SERA00 was an unknown name, to now, when she is one of the four remaining 1st gen members. Although the concert was outdoors, with a big crowd, it was dead silent during her speech. Everyone knew what was coming next.

"I, Geneviève DuPont, will graduate from SERA00."

Although the line always sits at the back of our minds, no one is really ever ready to hear it said aloud. As the exclamations from the crowd rose to a clamor, SERA00 members began filing onstage. The 1st and 2nd generation retook their positions with Geneviève at the front of the stage, joined by the rest of the A ranks. The B and C ranks lined up on the risers, and the 00 ranks and CASUT00 appeared on the ground in front of the stage. The crowd had quieted considerably by now, but the commotion rose again as the first notes of "When the Bells Toll" began to play, as if in protest of the impending graduation. The members at the front of the stage performed the song, while the members in front of the stage danced and the members on the risers provided a chorus of vocals.

I was a bit nervous after that, since I was the centre of the follow-up song. But I hope we succeeded in lightening the mood a bit and lifting everyone's spirits. "Genesis" was an appropriate end to the concert, performed by Geneviève, Sassan, Angel, and Luna. It'll be one of the last performances with four members - after Geneviève's graduation, there'll only be three members left to perform that song. Don't worry, Geneviève won't be graduating right away - her last concert will be SERA00's 2017 Winter Concert, so there are still a couple of months left. Until then, please continue to support her, and...

Please support SERA00!

P.S. On another note, that math question ㅠㅠ Ahhh stop obsessing, Evie!

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