Hey everyone!
Finally dropping the streak of fantastical concepts (but keeping the long titles :P), SERA00's 36th single adds a touch of nostalgia to the fall.
The album drops October 23, 2016. Voting opens up 12 AM the same day, and lasts the usual two weeks, ending November 5, 2016 at 11:59 PM. The election results concert is being held the next day at the Canada Stadium in Toronto. Oh by the way, did you know that this year's album includes a raffle ticket for one of five free pairs of tickets to the results concert? Ooooh :D For those of you who are not as lucky, tickets can be bought during the voting period as well. For any first time buyers who are worrying that the two week voting window will be over before your CD arrives in the mail, worry not - as long as you purchase your album through an official supplier, you can apply to receive your voting code and raffle ticket via email.
Follow the Railroad Home (title)
5 Days (Type Aurora)
Spectacular (Type Angel)
Deadline (Type Night)
Online release:
She Knows (b-side)
Together We Will (c-side)
*the track list is kind of ambiguous at this point - I've explained why below
Centre: Sassan
Luna, Maya, Angel, Harley, Evie, Kotoka, Luraland, Yumichan, Fracken, Alyss, Geneviève, Wyoming, Brindle
I've been hearing that the b-side and c-side won't be included in the CD. I haven't heard it directly, since I wouldn't be participating in it regardless, but apparently the B and C ranks haven't had their recording session yet. There's usually a deadline for recording - past a certain date, nothing more can be recorded for the single, since they need to master all the music and send the CDs into production. If the b-side and c-sides haven't been recorded yet, then they probably won't be included in the upcoming single. I can understand why they'd be upset. The election single is the last chance before the upcoming election to promote themselves through an official release. The b and c-sides give these girls a chance to shine, where they aren't pitted against the more well known members. But if the b and c-sides won't be included in the CD, why did they give them songs to begin with?
I just took a break from writing this post to attend a main cast dance practice for the upcoming single. I asked Angel about the b-side c-side situation, and she confirmed that they won't be on the track list like usual, but they'll be released online. I know Management wouldn't release the CD with just the title and team songs - so the fact that they're not including the b and c-sides probably means that they're leaving the spots open for other songs. A solo, likely, since I haven't seen any groups of girls in the recording studios. Although, there is a rumour that Sassan, Angel, Luna, and Geneviève have been seen meeting frequently. They happen to be the four remaining first generation members. Perhaps there's something going on there?
Anyways, the B and C ranks shouldn't have to worry too much about lack of exposure before the election, since this year SERA00 is holding a promotional event we've never done before, both to introduce the 36th single and to promote the election. We're holding a special event titled "FOLLOW"...which I will tell you the details of in the following post...ha...haha...okay. I'm very excited for it. I hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving!
Please support SERA00!
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